Behind the Veil- Smith Oaks Rookery Expansion and Resiliency Project, 6 years later

By Schyler Brown, Wyatt Egelhoff (Conservation Specialists) & Pete Deichmann, Land Conservation Director, Houston Audubon Six years ago, in May 2018, all that remained was a hastily assembled jumble of sticks sitting atop a 6’ by 8’ skeleton platform. Houston Audubon staff had installed the fenced platform in the hopes of attracting a few nesting […]

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World Environment Day 2023: #BeatPlasticPollution

By Schyler Brown, Conservation Specialist June 5th is World Environment Day, and for every minute in the day, a garbage truck’s worth of plastic will make its way to the ocean, harming countless wildlife. Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastics to a quantity that is harmful to living organisms. Larger plastics can be mistaken […]

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Purple Martins at Western Academy

by Isaac Block, Teacher, Western Academy It started in the summer of 2014 with an invitation to watch the Purple Martins congregate before their fall migration to South America.  Mary Anne Morris, Houston Audubon’s education director, invited me to attend “Purple Martin Migration Madness” Watch Party at the Fountains Shopping Center in Stafford off I-59 […]

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Why ‘Plastic-Free July’?

By Berri Moffett, Conservation Specialist, Houston Audubon Everyone wants clean water to drink and air to breathe. All of us want natural areas free from trash, rivers and streams to swim in and fish in, and beautiful beaches with turquoise waves. We also enjoy modern conveniences and safe food, medical and personal safety (like masks […]

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Controlling Backgrounds in Nature Photography

By Joe V. Smith You just returned from a successful photo shoot with perfect pictures of your favorite animal. Everything came together–pleasing subject, great light, excellent composition, perfect exposure, sharp focus and no camera blur. But when you look at your images you see a problem you missed in the field—distracting backgrounds, often so distracting […]

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Oh no, there’s a peacock on my roof!

By Elaine Ross, Houston Audubon Houstonians are noticing an increase in peafowl in their neighborhoods and have been reaching out to local organizations for information on peacocks and peahens. Seeing a bright blue and green peafowl can be a surprising sight on your roof, but they are a familiar neighbor in some Houston neighborhoods. We […]

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Join in on the Fun and Help Spread the Word

What Folks are Saying about the New Houston Audubon Conservation License Plate Houston Audubon launched its first-ever conservation license plate sponsored by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in June 2021. Since that time, people are proudly displaying their support by ordering plates and placing them on their vehicles. The plates are showing up around […]

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How the Bird-Friendly Spaces Program took flight

By Taylor Rhoades, Houston Audubon Young Professionals Advisory Council 2019-2021 In 2018, Houston Audubon joined forces with the Houston Zoo to learn more about what Houstonians are doing to help native and migratory bird species at home and pinpoint the top behaviors that individuals can take to have the largest influence on creating natural spaces […]

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Book on a Wing

By Sneed B. Collard III When my 13-year-old son Braden and I arrived at High Island in the spring of 2016, we quivered with anticipation. After two years of birding in our home state of Montana, we had finally decided to venture beyond our borders and attempt a modest ABA Big Year for ourselves. Our […]

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